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  Have you heard this story before? It begins like this: Once upon a time (isn’t that how most good stories begin?), a rather odd, older woman (who had never really fit in most of her life anywhere, regardless of what group she might have decided to join), sat behind a lovely couple whom she had never met before who also had two little girls with them. On this day, it just so happened that the older woman and her husband decided to sit on the other side of the church and this family were sitting in the pew directly in front of them and just to the right. The thing that stood out initially was that the two little girls, who had to both be no older than five or six, were able to remain quiet and well behaved without a coloring book or any other items to keep them busy. This both surprised and delighted the older woman, since most children today must be kept entertained in order to not become noisy and disruptive. In fact, most parents now-a-days simply have no other option (because their
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Bee not Afraid!

Little Susie was not only scared to death of bees, she was also highly allergic. In fact, her fear kept her indoors most of the year accept for those months where the temperatures dropped low enough to keep the bees and wasps asleep. Susie had never heard about "winter bees" so she was shocked to find one getting a drink at the bird bath just outside the kitchen door. The little bee startled her and instead of filling the bird bath with more fresh water she ran back into the house. She was torn between her desire to make sure the little birds had fresh water each day and her fear of the bees. She waited a few hours in hopes that they would all go away. She looked out the window and it appeared that the coast was clear so she ventured outside with her two gallon jugs full of fresh water. As she approached the bird bath everything initially looked fine. No bees flying around. But, as she got closer she saw a little bee floating face down in the water with its wings spread. It h

The "Avalon" Adventure!

 DRAFT - RUSH POST - FORGIVE THE TYPO'S This story is a true story and has absolutely nothing to do with the Celtic legend about an island named Avalon, represented by an earthy paradise in the western seas, to which King Arthur and other heroes were carried at death.   No—nothing in common with that at all; accept the miraculous!   This story begins in 1998.   In 1998, at the age of 38, I had the opportunity, for the first time in my adult life, to purchase a “good car”.  You know what I mean, right?  A car that you would not need to make sure you put in neutral at the stop light and keep your foot on the accelerator so that it would not die, kind of “good car”.  I car with a moon roof, leather power seats that had seat heaters in them (WHAT?); and a 12 pack CD player in the trunk.  When I had finally found myself in a position to buy such a car, I wasn’t even sure how to go about finding one.   The first thing I did was to research all the consumer reports and then research

"A Strange Bird in a Strange World"

  (Background:  In 2020, during the COVID pandemic, we had a Budgie land in our yard.  I took numerous pictures and wrote a short little story based upon those photos.  I updated the story in 2023, adding much to it,  as a way to express what had been going on in my own life.  I hope you all enjoy it).  It is a draft; so, feel free to comment if you find typo's etc.)  A Strange Bird in a Strange World Written by: Dianna Wood Photography and Photo Art Illustrations by: Dianna Wood August 25, 2020 All Beauregard remembers when he woke up on the ground that day, is that a Hawk had snatched him up earlier from the railing of the outdoor balcony where Timmy had set him in order to clean his cage.   Not only did he have no idea where he was, when he looked down, he also noticed that his tail feathers were missing.  Perhaps that was why the Hawk had lost its grip on him when he fell to the ground.  He never thought loosing tail feathers was a good thing; until that very moment!   Not only

The Story of a "Wandering Jew" - Part One

Just to clarify, the man pictured above is not Jewish.  The "Wandering Jew" in this story is a plant. A plant that survived a 3,000 mile journey.  The Story of a Wandering Jew A Precious Little Gift  It was late July 2009, when he stepped off the plane.  She had arrived at the airport 2 hours before his plane would land and spent the time pacing the many corridors of the different terminals, trying to keep from checking the time to often, as she knew that would only make the time go by even slower.  She decided to get a cup of coffee and read 2 Corinthians even though she knew that her ability to concentrate on the text would be limited if not a complete impossibility.   As she opened the bible, her eyes fell upon 2 Corinthians 4:6 and she read, “For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”  Although she had read this passage many times, today was

Memories of Youth

At 62 years old, I am finding that the more I learn the more I realize just how little I actually know.  At 62, I am also observing that young people, who may have learned a little, seem to think they have nothing to learn from others and that they need not even question themselves about anything they think or do. So I wrote this little poem. If we can't laugh at ourselves, the problem is much bigger than we can even imagine.

How God can "Flip the Script"

  Why was Saturday so FABULOUS? The answer might surprise you. It did me. Back in September of 2021, a young woman from Virginia reached out to me via Facebook (initially) to network regarding art and online sales and marketing. Thinking that I was highly successful because of my 10,000+ followers and my sales on etsy, she thought that I might have valuable information to share regarding how to make a go at it in the online art world. After having to break the news to her that I was the perfect poster child for “The Starving Artist” the conversation turned to her upcoming potential marriage to a young man called into the pastoral ministry and her fear of not being qualified to be “a pastor’s wife”. She had read that my husband had been an ordained pastor years ago and that during my marriage to him had been in full time ministry in differing capacities and hoped that I might be able to provide some insight into what it was like to be the wife of a man called to fulltime ministry. H