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Showing posts from July, 2011

Another Visitor

As we were watering the wild flower garden and filling up the humming bird feeders, I glanced down and found that a little, tiny, baby "Praying Mantis" had stopped by to pay a visit.   He was joined by a bright black and red beetle.  The beetle scurried along too quickly for me to take his picture; but, the Praying Mantis, was a real ham.  He hung around for a lengthy photo session. Everywhere you look (if you pause long enough) are little creatures to delight in.

Wild Flower Garden in Full Bloom!

More Wildflowers from our Garden

 Just one of those Unexpected Shots This is one of those creatures that hatches from a Gall - Research Time

A Magical Morning in the Garden #2

ļ»æ A scene inside one of the wild flowers that bloomed.

A Magical Morning in the Garden #1

Every night, starting in April and running through the hot summer months, you can hear what must be a "one thousand frog symphony" began to play as soon as the sun starts to set in the Secret Garden.  Ever since we moved here, I have wanted to actually see one of those little critters.  I have gone quietly down to the creek bank just before sunset; and crouched down.  I could hear them; but, I have never spotted one. This morning, right around 5:30 am, I went down stairs to water the wild flower garden before the heat of the day was upon us. (It's going to be in the triple digits all week.) As I started pouring out the water from the first watering can, I saw something jump--a something that was no larger than a cock roach.  Yikes!   Guess what?  It was a teeny, tiny frog!