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Showing posts from August, 2011

A Man and His Cat

Today was filled with what seemed like a thousand things and I was not able to work on my art projects.  However, we had a most wonderful day together.  At the end of the day, Michael was tormenting "Monkey" with a long piece of cording that I had discarded on the floor earlier in the week.    While I was checking emails, Michael crawled underneath my work table, grabbed Monkey and put him in (what we call) "lock- down".  That's where he wraps his arms around Monkey, and keeps him from moving.  They were both just 2 feet away, right under my feet; so, I took a few pictures.   What a blessed way to end a day.  What we thought were just a few fun shots, that had come out really blurry, we ended up with a series of black and white art pieces that look more like pencil sketches.  I simply used Microsoft Picture Editor to reduce the color saturation, increase the contrast and lighten the monotones.