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Showing posts from October, 2015

Three Years Later! An Amazing Story of God's Providence in our Lives!

More than three years ago a sweet lady from Indiana purchased these hand-illustrated boots for her granddaughter and wrote: ā€œThank you, Dianna ~ I'm SO delighted to be making this purchase!   You have no idea how much it means to me to be able to buy these for my granddaughter. The fact that she'll need to grow into them both doesn't matter a bit, because with the works of art that these two pairs of boots are, having them ready for her when her little feet are ready, is a joy to anticipate.    Your gift of art and faith is a wonderful blessing to let us share by buying these, and your work will be cherished in my daughter's and granddaughter's lives, I can tell you that!  I have thought about this sweet lady many times over the years and just recently felt led to write to her.  I was overwhelmed with thoughts of wonder.  ā€œDid her little granddaughter grow into them yet?ā€ How often we think about people and never put pen to paper' ...

We are half way there! They are not Tree Change Dolls, but they are wonderful in their own way!

Most of you know by now that I was inspired by an Australian artist who's transformed "Bratz" dolls known as "Tree Change Dolls" went viral earlier this year.  After developing my own style, I decided to make 100 dolls and give 50% of the proceeds to an organization that helps rescue kids out of the sex trafficking industry.  I also decided to keep mine reasonably priced (starting at just $24.99 each) so that more people could afford them. My line of dolls is called "Just K.I.D.S" and the acronym stands for recapturing K indness & I nnocence & D elighting in the S weetness of C hildhood. Our desire is to have all 100 sold before Christmas so that we can present a check to the organization before the Holiday season.  This is truly a non-profit, labor of love. To date we have sold 51 dolls!  But, time is ticking away.  I hope you visit my shop and purchase at least one.  You will make a little girl very happy and also know that your purchas...