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Showing posts from February, 2024

Bee not Afraid!

Little Susie was not only scared to death of bees, she was also highly allergic. In fact, her fear kept her indoors most of the year accept for those months where the temperatures dropped low enough to keep the bees and wasps asleep. Susie had never heard about "winter bees" so she was shocked to find one getting a drink at the bird bath just outside the kitchen door. The little bee startled her and instead of filling the bird bath with more fresh water she ran back into the house. She was torn between her desire to make sure the little birds had fresh water each day and her fear of the bees. She waited a few hours in hopes that they would all go away. She looked out the window and it appeared that the coast was clear so she ventured outside with her two gallon jugs full of fresh water. As she approached the bird bath everything initially looked fine. No bees flying around. But, as she got closer she saw a little bee floating face down in the water with its wings spread. It h...