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Showing posts from October, 2019

What is it like to go "Viral" on Social Media?

"What is it like?" they ask. So many people have asked me, "What is it like to go Viral on Social Media. So, below are the Good, Bad and Best things I have ex perienced: #1 Worst Things about going Viral You realize how bad you look and sound on video (ā€œReally? Is that me?) Clearly, this has been a reality check and I think I would have preferred living in my delusion.  And you realize just how cracked and in need of repair your driveway is.  My goodness. #1 Good Thing about going Viral More people get to enjoy the gift God has given me, which has opened up great opportunities to meet new people and talk about truly, meaningful things and establish new relationships with people around the world who I would have never had the opportunity to have met had this not happened. #1 Best Thing about going Viral A woman who was grieving the loss of her mother; deeply depressed, and, who had lost all joy, wrote to me wanting to tell me what a difference that my art ha...

Just having a little, good, clean fun!

This year, for my Birthday, my husband bought me something I have wanted for years--a Power Washer.  From the very first time I used one to help a girlfriend get her mom's house ready to sell, I have wanted one for my very own.  There is something so therapeutic about seeing dirty siding, fences, bricks and cement go from yuck to clean. Over the past month, I have power washed everything I could find: the patio, the fence, the siding on the shop, several dirty shutters; and, even the garbage cans.  I was putting off tackling the biggest project (the driveway) until I had a full day to work on it. Well, this opened up a whole new world for me.  When I realized how long it would take (we have a very long and very dirty driveway) I decided to turn it into an art project.  I realized that I could do word art in one tenth the time that it would take to power wash the entire driveway and it would allow me to leave most of the dirty part dirty.  As pleased as ...