Ho do you spend your time, "christian"? Picketing and protesting against the homosexual agenda? Poking lost sinners in the eye, so that they will respond back in anger, so that you can feel persecuted for righteousness sake? Recently students on a local college campus had a captive audience of unregenerate souls, and instead of using that opportunity to preach the beauty of Christ and the gospel of Christ, they used that opportunity to fight their "moral" and "political" agenda's. It was UGLY!
Hundred's of young lost souls were gathered and the opportunity was wasted. Instead of them using this opportunity to herald the loveliness of the Savior, they poked people in their eyes with self-righteous, angry and hostile talk because, the truth is, that many of them would probably rather eliminate all of the lost sinners from their campus than to see them come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What shame and dishonor we bring to the name of Christ when we care more about making this a moral, "christian" nation were everyone adheres to the laws of God without ever knowing the Savior. Their overall message was, "homosexuality is a sin and we fight against sin". Contrast this with the words of J.C. Ryle regarding what our purpose is on earth:
You are called to represent Christ to the world as He is, by your behavior towards Him. Is He altogether lovely? Let all the world see and know that He is so, by your delights in Him and communion with Him; zeal for Him, and readiness to part with any other lovely thing upon His account. Proclaim His excellencies to the world.
Persuade them how much your beloved is better than any other beloved. Show His glorious excellencies as you speak of Him; hold Him forth to others, as He is in Himself; altogether lovely.
See that you "walk worthy of Him unto all well pleasing," Col. 1:10. "Show forth the praises of Christ," 1 Pet. 2:19. Let not that "worthy name be blasphemed through you," James 2:7.
He is glorious in Himself, and He is sure to put glory upon you; take heed that you do not put shame and dishonors upon Him; He has committed his honor to you, do not betray that trust.
Young "christian" ask yourself why you do what you do. Is it driven by a desire to make everyone conform to God's moral standards whether they like it or not? Do you secretly hope to wipe sin and sinners off the face of the earth?
We are called to be His ambassadors. To proclaim His beauty to a lost and dying world. To preach Christ and the Cross whenever we have the opportunity. We are called to be salt and light, not pepper spray and flame throwing bayonets.
If you are truly a "born-again" believer and spend your time attemppting to "moralize" the lost world with anger and zeal, perhaps God is whispering in your ear, "Shhhhhh....please don't tell them you are one of mine"
Hundred's of young lost souls were gathered and the opportunity was wasted. Instead of them using this opportunity to herald the loveliness of the Savior, they poked people in their eyes with self-righteous, angry and hostile talk because, the truth is, that many of them would probably rather eliminate all of the lost sinners from their campus than to see them come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What shame and dishonor we bring to the name of Christ when we care more about making this a moral, "christian" nation were everyone adheres to the laws of God without ever knowing the Savior. Their overall message was, "homosexuality is a sin and we fight against sin". Contrast this with the words of J.C. Ryle regarding what our purpose is on earth:
You are called to represent Christ to the world as He is, by your behavior towards Him. Is He altogether lovely? Let all the world see and know that He is so, by your delights in Him and communion with Him; zeal for Him, and readiness to part with any other lovely thing upon His account. Proclaim His excellencies to the world.
Persuade them how much your beloved is better than any other beloved. Show His glorious excellencies as you speak of Him; hold Him forth to others, as He is in Himself; altogether lovely.
See that you "walk worthy of Him unto all well pleasing," Col. 1:10. "Show forth the praises of Christ," 1 Pet. 2:19. Let not that "worthy name be blasphemed through you," James 2:7.
He is glorious in Himself, and He is sure to put glory upon you; take heed that you do not put shame and dishonors upon Him; He has committed his honor to you, do not betray that trust.
Young "christian" ask yourself why you do what you do. Is it driven by a desire to make everyone conform to God's moral standards whether they like it or not? Do you secretly hope to wipe sin and sinners off the face of the earth?
We are called to be His ambassadors. To proclaim His beauty to a lost and dying world. To preach Christ and the Cross whenever we have the opportunity. We are called to be salt and light, not pepper spray and flame throwing bayonets.
If you are truly a "born-again" believer and spend your time attemppting to "moralize" the lost world with anger and zeal, perhaps God is whispering in your ear, "Shhhhhh....please don't tell them you are one of mine"