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Come walk with me....

As I was talking with a friend earlier today; the Lord impressed upon my heart something that I had neglected to think about as I was pondering my relationship with Christ in the coming year.

I suppose the thought came to mind, because of the joy I was experiencing as we were engaged in close and meaningful conversation, as if we were walking together down a private path bathed in rays of sunlight with the fragrance of lilac in the air. The scripture "can two walk together except they be agreed" came to mind, which led me to reflect upon how "Enoch walked with God". As I was pondering along those lines, I found this excerpt by Edward Griffith:

We all know what it is for two friends to walk together, engaged in close and interesting conversation. The hidden life of the Christian; his retired habit of devotion, his separation from the world, (living, as it were, in the other world while dwelling in this,) his daily, intimate, unseen communion with God, are very fitly represented by two intimate friends walking together, engrossed with each other, un-mindful of all the world besides, unseeing and unseen.

When two friends thus walk together their communion is secret.
So is the communion between the Christian and his God. The world wonders what the Christian finds to employ himself about when alone. They wonder what supports him under trials, and renders his countenance cheerful when they looked for sadness. Let them know then that he draws his comforts from another world; that he lives far away from this, where the changes and trials of the present state do not reach him.

As well might they wonder whence Abraham and David derive their present joys, while clouds are darkening the world below.

When two friends thus walk together, their conversation is kind and sweet. So the man who walks with God pours into his Father's ear all his desires and complaints, and receives his kind and comforting answers in return.

When two friends thus walk together their wills and governing feelings are the same; for how "can two walk together except they be agreed?" They also keep the same course, and thus are advancing towards the same object. So the man who walks with God is conformed to him in moral character. Benevolence reigns in his heart, and his open arms embrace the universe. Like God, his feelings are in accordance with the holy law. He loves righteousness and hates iniquity.

His object too is the same with his. The glory of his Father, the prosperity of Zion, and the happiness of the universe, constitute the one indivisible object of his pursuit. He is delighted with the government of God, and has no controversy with him who shall reign. His will is swallowed up in the divine will.

He wishes not to select for himself, but in every thing chooses that his heavenly Father should select for him. He is "careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving," makes his "requests known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, "keeps his heart and mind "through Christ Jesus."

Edward Griffin, "And Enoch Walked with God"


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