They know: #1 - Never, ever send me cut flowers! I hate watching something so beautiful and expensive slowly die; and, #2 - I love the art of flower arranging especially Ikebana.
So, here I was with a lovely morning and tons of miniature flowers of all different kinds (even little tiny "mock Strawberries)!
As I was cutting them, I was thinking about what I could use as vases and initially thought that thimbles would work; but I only had two and they were actually too tiny. That was how I landed on spools of thread. There they were staring at me while I was looking for thimbles.
I hope you enjoy these little sweet miniature flower arrangements and maybe even decide to make some of your very own. I also hope you consider cultivating a bee lawn instead of killing all the clover, dandelion, and other flowering plants that our honey bees need.
And imagination are certainly on your side. Thank you for sharing.