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Do you ponder what you read?

Most of us spend little time in the Word, and when we do, it is normally time we squeeze in at the end of the day or in the early morning before the temporal responsibilities of life are upon us. To actually take additional time to ponder, is rare these days. To then record our ponderings, is almost unheard of (among the average lay person).

Before technology (which should actually free up more time) advanced to the level it has and devoured us; the practice of pondering and meditating on the Word and then writing those thoughts in a journal was common practice among Christians. Some of the journal entries, of men who lived 400 or more years ago, can still be read today and are: thought provoking; soul stirring; and, soul satisfying.

I have been blessed, of late, to have met a man who not only practices this--but shares some of his journal entries with me. I would like to share one of those "ponderings" with you:

A Psalm of David

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.” Psalm 103:1-5

As I pondered the realm of this portion of this Psalm, the question came to mind:
Are we not given a reminder of our need to remember, on a regular basis, all of that which has been provided us through and in the Name of the LORD our GOD?

One of the multitude of blessings we have received, as a gift from our Lord and our God, is a heart which has been enabled and activated to respond to Him in the midst of the frailty of the flesh and the body in which we live. One of the impairments of the finite minds that we possess, and as a result of the fall of which we are all partakers, is the inability to recall instantly ALL OF THE BENEFITS of which we have been blessed with. Therefore we are called to bring to remembrance, TO FORGET NOT.

O, how easily we forget. Even the very disciples and followers of Christ Himself, as He lived and walked in all perfection before them, struggled with this plague of forgetfulness, and had need to be reminded of the power of God; as demonstrated through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank God that we are not left to ourselves to remember; but, are gently reminded to remember, as He knows our frame, that we, in our flesh, are but as dust before Him, in which dwelleth no good thing and would not of ourselves desire anything to do with Him. He knows that our thoughts end in a day, and of our need for Him, far better than we can comprehend. It is He Who has and does remember the covenant of which He has made with us, and has given Himself to keep with us.

Tis not that I did choose thee, for Lord that could not be. This heart would still refuse thee, hadst thou not chosen me. (Josiah Conder 1789-1855)

Father, we thank You that you have chosen us and called us to Yourself. Through Your Sovereign mercy, You have delighted in us and caused us to delight in You. Cause us to behold all that we possess in You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Michael E. Wood


Mel said…
What a delightful post and prayer. My heart joins in unison with that prayer, in the precious name of Christ!
Mel said…
I thought about this post quite a bit last night and this morning. I long to be able to spend this kind of time reading and meditating on God's Word, and recording what He says to me personally through it. There's another blog I frequently visit that has many entries with this same flavor, and my spirit finds them quite invigorating. Thanks again for sharing. Many blessings to you, and to Michael! :)

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