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Will you remember? (part six)

Sermon Preached by C.H. Spurgeon
Solomon’s Song 1:4

“We will remember thy love more than wine.”

(part six)

I have to hurry over these different points; but if you enjoy hearing about this subject as much as I delight in preaching upon it, you would not mind listening to me all night long, and I should not mind preaching right through the night. Surely, this is a theme that sets one's tongue at a happy liberty. "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer” if I can but feel the love of Christ shed abroad in my heart.


If we remember the love of Christ to us, the first practical effect will be that "we shall love him". Can I remember your love to me, O my sweet Lord, and not love you in return? Surely, Dr. Watts was right when he wrote,

"Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
With all your quickening powers,
Come, shed abroad a Savior's love,
And that shall kindle ours.”

True is it, O Jesus, that there is no light of love in our hearts except the light of your love! It is the holy fire from your altar that must kindle the incense in the 'censer of our hearts'. There is no living water to be drawn out of these dry wells- you, O Jesus, must supply them from the bubbling spring in your own heart! When my heart is conscious of your love, it loves you in return.

Another practical effect of remembering Christ's love will be, "love to the brethren". When we remember Christ's love as we ought, we shall not meet one of Christ's brethren without falling in love with him directly. Christ has some very poor brethren, and some very unhandsome ones. David sent to enquire whether there were any left of the house of Saul to whom he might show kindness for Jonathan's sake. Ziba told him that Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth, who was lame on his feet. What did David do when he heard this? Did he say, "I will have nothing to do with him; I do not want a lame fellow like that stumbling about my palace "? Oh, no! he might be lame on his feet, but he was Jonathan's son; so David sent for him, and said to him, "You shall eat bread at my table continually.”

Did you ever know one of Christ's beloved who was lame on his feet? There is a little lameness, somewhere or other, about all of them; and if we only love those saints who are very holy, it will seem as if we only loved them for their own sakes; but if we love Christ's deformed and crippled children, that looks like loving them for his sake.

And, methinks, if you could remember what a clumsy child YOU were yourself, you would not look with such disdain upon any of God's other children. Ministers have much to bear in connection with some of their people. One man's judgment is so keen that you are always afraid of saying something amiss in his presence; another man's temper is so hot that you cannot meddle with him for do not fear should provoke a quarrel; another man is so worldly that, although he has the grace of God in his heart, it seems to be only like a spark in damp tinder. Christ has many very unseemly children; yet if we can but see that they are Christ's, if they have only a little likeness to him, we love them directly for his sake, and are, willing to do what we can for them out of love to him.

The remembrance of the love of Christ to us will, I repeat, always kindle in us a love towards all the brethren.

continued tomorrow...


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