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What have you learned today?

Let us see. What might I have learned today from the latest AOL News?

How to Make Lipstick Last (Most Women Skip a Very Important Step) Now that is some truly valuable information. Women--Be sure to take copious notes on this very important bit of information. After all, we certainly don’t want our lipstick to fade—now do we?

And even better still-the key to a happy marriage:

Suzanne Somers shares with the world that the key to her (more than 40 year) happy marriage is her health and beauty regimen which includes taking over 60 pills and supplements. Ah yes, finally we all now know the “key to a happy marriage”. Thank you Suzanne!

"An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes!" Psalm 36:1

Why is it that, today, the masses are so utterly unconcerned about spiritual and eternal things, and that they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God? Why is it that defiance of God is becoming more open, more blatant, more daring? The answer is, because "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Romans 3:18).

Again, why is it that the authority of the Scriptures has been lowered so sadly of late? Why is it that even among those who profess to be the Lord's people, that there is so little real subjection to His Word, and that its precepts are so lightly esteemed and so readily set aside?

Ah! what needs to be stressed today--is that God is a God to be feared! Happy is the person who has been awed by a view of God's majesty, who has had a vision of . . .
God's unutterable greatness,

His ineffable holiness,
His perfect righteousness,
His irresistible power,
His sovereign grace!

Time was, when it was the general custom to speak of a believer as "a God-fearing man". That such an appellation has become extinct--only serves to show where we have drifted. Nevertheless, it still stands written, "Like as a father pities His children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him!" Psalm 103:13

When we speak of godly fear, of course, we do not mean a servile fear, such as prevails among the heathen in connection with their gods. No! We mean that spirit which Jehovah is pledged to bless, that spirit to which the prophet referred when he said, "To this man will I will look--even to him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at My Word." Isaiah 66:2

Nothing will foster this godly fear, like a recognition of the sovereign majesty of God!

"I tell you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you--this is the One to fear!" Luke 12:4-5

A.W. Pink


Mel said…
God so graciously provides for all of our needs, and holds every molecule together by the power of His Word. Everything that can be seen, touched or experienced was created by Him and for His glory. And yet, He is ignored and dishonored by our society in ever-increasing ways. I’m so glad He led me to this particular corner of the vast sea that is the internet, so that He could speak to me and remind me continually of His Presence and Power. Thank you.

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