Just four days after Michael's car was stolen, we got a phone call. This morning I had to write another poem to tell "the rest of the story".
On Christmas Eve, they stole his car—
And as crazy as this might sound;
I was praising God for the loss;
Never thinking it would be found.
God has taught me many things
Through the loss of this earthly treasure.
How Michael dealt with this loss,
Was a blessing beyond measure.
He was sad—that is true;
But, he handled it with grace.
He never once doubted God
No anger—Not a trace.
I got to see, through this, first hand,
What Michael views as “treasure”.
The man I married, has it right,
And this brought me great pleasure!
How he acted; what he said;
Touched me to the core.
His faith was never shaken
Which makes me love him even more.
For I hold things with open hands
For things will come and go.
The only thing that I hold dear
Is the One I’ve come to know.
God has taught us many things
Through this unfortunate circumstance—
As long as we have our Savior
We can always sing and dance.
For joy comes not from what we have—
Possessions that mold and rust
Joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ
In whom we put our Trust.
Not for earthly treasures—
That thieves break in and steal;
But, for the souls true pleasure
Our Savior Who is Real!
Hallelujah and Praise the Lord—
For as crazy as this might sound
Just four days later, we got a call.
Michael’s car had been found!
There was no damage to the car;
Nothing in it had been taken.
We are not sure exactly why
The car, they had forsaken.
Just two point four miles, east of us,
On the corner of “Butterball”
We rushed down to the towing yard
As soon as we got the call.
The car was still on the truck
CHP had called it in.
They charged us for a storage fee.
Please run that by me again?
A storage fee of fifty dollars;
For a car stored on their lot.
The car hadn’t even touched the ground
The trucks engine was even hot.
We were also charged the towing fee--
Six point three miles to be exact.
One hundred eighty dollars
Was added on top of that.
Two crimes have been committed--
Two kinds of thieves involved.
The first one stole our Honda;
The second? Our savings dissolved!
But, all in all, we can rejoice
For we see His hand in this.
He has used it for His Glory
And we feel our Savior’s kiss.
Not because we have our car
For that might be gone tomorrow.
We should feel sad when things are lost
But, lost souls should bring more sorrow.
God opened so many doors through this
For Michael to share Christ with others.
The claims adjuster; a CHP dispatcher;
“O’ Lord, make them our brothers.”
If we could have a hundred cars
Stolen; one each year.
In exchange for just one soul redeemed
We’d dance, we’d sing, we’d cheer!
So, thank you Lord for reminding us
On what and on Whom to cling.
And how You bring great blessings
Even out of wicked things.
On Christmas Eve, they stole his car—
And as crazy as this might sound;
I was praising God for the loss;
Never thinking it would be found.
God has taught me many things
Through the loss of this earthly treasure.
How Michael dealt with this loss,
Was a blessing beyond measure.
He was sad—that is true;
But, he handled it with grace.
He never once doubted God
No anger—Not a trace.
I got to see, through this, first hand,
What Michael views as “treasure”.
The man I married, has it right,
And this brought me great pleasure!
How he acted; what he said;
Touched me to the core.
His faith was never shaken
Which makes me love him even more.
For I hold things with open hands
For things will come and go.
The only thing that I hold dear
Is the One I’ve come to know.
God has taught us many things
Through this unfortunate circumstance—
As long as we have our Savior
We can always sing and dance.
For joy comes not from what we have—
Possessions that mold and rust
Joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ
In whom we put our Trust.
Not for earthly treasures—
That thieves break in and steal;
But, for the souls true pleasure
Our Savior Who is Real!
Hallelujah and Praise the Lord—
For as crazy as this might sound
Just four days later, we got a call.
Michael’s car had been found!
There was no damage to the car;
Nothing in it had been taken.
We are not sure exactly why
The car, they had forsaken.
Just two point four miles, east of us,
On the corner of “Butterball”
We rushed down to the towing yard
As soon as we got the call.
The car was still on the truck
CHP had called it in.
They charged us for a storage fee.
Please run that by me again?
A storage fee of fifty dollars;
For a car stored on their lot.
The car hadn’t even touched the ground
The trucks engine was even hot.
We were also charged the towing fee--
Six point three miles to be exact.
One hundred eighty dollars
Was added on top of that.
Two crimes have been committed--
Two kinds of thieves involved.
The first one stole our Honda;
The second? Our savings dissolved!
But, all in all, we can rejoice
For we see His hand in this.
He has used it for His Glory
And we feel our Savior’s kiss.
Not because we have our car
For that might be gone tomorrow.
We should feel sad when things are lost
But, lost souls should bring more sorrow.
God opened so many doors through this
For Michael to share Christ with others.
The claims adjuster; a CHP dispatcher;
“O’ Lord, make them our brothers.”
If we could have a hundred cars
Stolen; one each year.
In exchange for just one soul redeemed
We’d dance, we’d sing, we’d cheer!
So, thank you Lord for reminding us
On what and on Whom to cling.
And how You bring great blessings
Even out of wicked things.