Barbie Transformation Project
It’s a funny thing how inspiration works. At 54 years old I had no idea I would spend a Saturday playing with Barbie dolls. In fact, as a child, I spent little time playing with dolls. That might have had something to do with the fact that we very little money and could not afford real Barbie’s. The closest thing that I had to a Barbie doll was a plastic doll from the 99 cents store who’s legs where attached with rubber bands (inside of her body) and, well, when the rubber bands broke, which they did within the first week of ownership, all I was left with was a legless lady.
This past week, a friend posted a video about a woman named Sonia who has created some really wonderful little dolls, by wiping off the factory faces of dolls she found in a second hand store and hand painting new faces onto their little heads - ultimately transforming them into a picture of sweet, youthful, purity! I was inspired!
After breakfast on Saturday, I decided I had to pick up a few dolls and give it a try. The only thing I could find were Barbie Dolls. Tons, and tons, of Barbie dolls.

Step one was a trip to the spa for these ladies!

Followed by an intensive, deep, hair conditioning treatment! Yikes their hair was a matted mess!

The make-up had to go and with it came their entire facial features! Of course that was the plan all along, I simply did not let them know that in advance, so that they could enjoy the short lived spa treatment.
I had viewed Sonia’s video on how to remove the factory faces and with a few modification (I did not have eucalyptus oil) I was able to successfully remove their factory faces.
So with a dry, clean slate, I set to the work of transforming them. I have no intentions of mass-producing a line transformed Barbie dolls. My motivation in posting is to simply share how a little inspiration can bring such joy into each one of our lives. Thank You Sonia of for the sparkle!
