Since Tree Change Dolls went viral in January of 2015, artist Sonia Singh has inspired thousands of artists across the globe to use their artistic abilities to turn original Bratz dolls into more realistic and childlike dolls for children. California artist, Dianna Wood, decided to create her own version of these transformed Bratz which she calls "Just K.I.D.S." in order to make money for organizations that help rescue kids trapped in the sex trafficking industry.
The biggest difference, is that Tree Change Dolls are sold for well over $200 dollars each and sell out in minutes. Dianna keeps her dolls affordable with prices starting at only $24.99. Dianna created over 100 dolls in 2015 and the Wood's were able to give $1,250 dollars at the end of 2015 to an organization that works both locally and internationally to help put an end to sex trafficking and to provide safe houses for girls who are rescued out of captivity.
She has once again put her artistic abilities to work for this great cause and is hoping to give even more money by the end of 2016. Although she works full time in law enforcement, she spends a great deal of her time away from work devoting time to this campaign. She has recently transformed three, two feet tall "Bratz Dolls" which will be available in her shop soon. We hope you might consider purchasing one of these limited edition dolls. Although they are over 2 feet tall, they will be listed for less than one small Tree Change Doll.
You can see the rest of her work here and hope you might consider supporting this campaign by making a purchase today.
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Check out all of her K.I.D.S. Here